instrumentation: flute (doubling piccolo), oboe (doubling english horn), clarinet in Bb (doubling clarinet in Eb), bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, piano, harp,
2 percussionists, 2 violins, viola, cello, contrabass (C extension).
duration: 10 minutes
premiere performance by Eastman Composers Sinfonietta, Geoffrey Pope, conductor. Eastman School of Music (Nov. 21, 2011).
instrumentation: flute (doubling piccolo), oboe (doubling english horn), clarinet in Bb (doubling clarinet in Eb), bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, piano, harp,
2 percussionists, 2 violins, viola, cello, contrabass (C extension).
duration: 10 minutes
premiere performance by Eastman Composers Sinfonietta, Geoffrey Pope, conductor. Eastman School of Music (Nov. 21, 2011).
of cities and memory
for 16 musicians
On a report to Kublai Khan, the young venetian Marco Polo describes the city of Zora:
"... this city which cannot be expunged from the mind is like an armature, a honey-comb in whose cells each of us can place the things he wants to remember... between each idea and each point of the itinerary an affinity or contrast can be established, serving as immediate aid to memory... but in vain I set out to visit the city: forced to remain motionless and always the same, in order to be more easily remembered, Zora has languished, disintegrated, disappeared. The earth has forgotten her."
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
for 16 musicians
On a report to Kublai Khan, the young venetian Marco Polo describes the city of Zora:
"... this city which cannot be expunged from the mind is like an armature, a honey-comb in whose cells each of us can place the things he wants to remember... between each idea and each point of the itinerary an affinity or contrast can be established, serving as immediate aid to memory... but in vain I set out to visit the city: forced to remain motionless and always the same, in order to be more easily remembered, Zora has languished, disintegrated, disappeared. The earth has forgotten her."
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities